After recalling the content of Genesis 1-3 and Revelation 20-22
Learn more about Creator & His Cosmos
Learn more about Creator & His Cosmos
Creator Created
Creatures corrupted
Son Saves
King Will Come Again
Instead of constraints of the Military Industrial Complex, Nations can pursue more abundant objectives to resource all families and their offspring now, next, and later.
Launched in January 2019, AGK accomplished Mission 2019 by establishing a platform with 25 Abundance Complexes to expand cooperation in these global efforts.
Every soul matters!
Let's show them options for abundance now and later.
Advancing God's Kingdom happens as you learn to live and lead..
Advancing God's Kingdom is a concept rooted in the beliefs of
many religious traditions, particularly within Christianity.
It refers to the idea of actively working to spread the teachings of God, promote spiritual growth, and bring about positive change in society in accordance with Creator’s Contracts (e.g., the Holy Bible).
Here are a few ways that individuals and communities often pursue the advancement of God's Kingdom:
It's important to note that the concept of advancing God's Kingdom may vary among different religious traditions and interpretations.
The specific actions and strategies for Advancing God's Kingdom
express humans connecting with Creator, learning about Him and His Kingdom, and leading their own life in authentically serving others,
like Xristos does.
Learn more about your participation in Advancing God’s Kingdom
2022 August - Abundance Complex Paraguay
The Bible is the Constitution for this Cosmos. Since the beginning of this cosmos, Father loved and enjoyed fellowship with humans. The first scene of this interaction was in a place known as The Garden of Eden.
Instead of listening to people's opinions about God's Kingdom, please take a moment to read the first three contracts: Genesis 1 - 3 (see above).
You can read it, break it down, looking at scenes, and identify basic ideas that
form the fabric of human interactions and cultures. Facts have implications that we can measure: Phenomenology - a royal paradigm of what our eyes see and our hands handle. Therefore, measure everything in your thought patterns in your Personal Cultures, where you are the CEO, taking full responsibility for your actions, reactions, and subsequent sequeneces (aka con-sequences).
Learning is the objective.
Below are some "big picture" concepts to help you gain expanding perspectives about how God sees you and the rest of this cosmos.
While you are learning, you can ask whatever questions you want. Drop us a note so we can connect personally.
Also refer others to learn freely about the content herein.
BELOW, read a few highlights that will stretch your mind to see the Kingdom of God.
The Apostle Paul, according to the contracts in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, developed a systematic approach to explaining God's love and mercy. The Apostle described the Gospel of God's Kingdom as "the whole purpose of God." Paul taught this "in all the churches." Paul spent two years preaching daily near the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (ca 56-58 AD). What was his system for communicating God's counsel?
This book launches into the deeper implications of the simple outlines above.
It will change your vantage points, elevating your mind to see the world as Creator sees it. You will gain so much from the exercise of thinking deeply about the implications of Paul's synthesis.
If you prefer, you can order a hardback copy from
Thank you for visiting the platform for Advancing God's Kingdom. Here you learn what you want to know, especially your human need and drive for perfect peace. Humans expect to experience peace, satisfaction, and victory. Why? Because that is the will of Creator, and He made us to want Him. As you learn to connect with Creator, you will learn that this whole cosmos is His handiwork. He designed it to function perfectly, and it did ... until serpent snaked lies into the heavens and then upon Earth. You can re-read that contract often. Expect that the perfect One will and has covered all human liabilities, but you have to receive His provision directly from Him. You can connect directly with Father now. Come, Now is the Time to worship Father in Jesus' name by His Spirit. Creator's Perfect Triangle Offense: Father, Son, Spirit. You can learn to see His Kingdom and advance it confidently. Subscribe for Monthly Refreshments, motivations by email to enjoy Creator's perfection as we serve others the mercy we received from Creator.
This site ushers you into a meeting with Creator about His Cosmos.
Advancing God's Kingdom exists to encourage learning, living, and teaching the Gospel of God's Kingdom.
"This is eternal life: to know Him" - Creator God fashioned the heavens and the earth (aka cosmos) and everything that exists within it.
Each human on this planet is part of this cosmos, and each can know the One who made it, sustains it, and perfectly corrected it. He wants you to know how it operates now.
Challenges. You experience cultures, systems, and strategies all the time. It's confusing. Everyone seems to be pulling you into this or wanting that from you. You learn not to trust humans, which is a good lesson.
Other people are confused also. This whole world is irrational. By "irrational" I mean no human knows everything. We don't even know everything about anything. So we cannot "prove" anything perfectly. So we learn to work in "probabilities" using "risk assessments."
Still, it is good to gain a clearer understanding about your life and how you can best operate to achieve what you long for.
You do have wants and needs, right? You do recognize that you want to understand more data so that you can stay alive longer, find resources, and make a living? You might even like to have a special mate for those loving circumstances, right? Creator will explain the "Owner's Manual" to you.
A library of connections. You can connect directly to Father as you spend some time learning the Owner's Manual. He is the owner, and He provided a written communication manual. It's best to start at the beginning. It reads, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
Finish the first 3 chapters of Genesis (see above Gensis 1-3). If you have questions, write them down and ask God. It's a process called fellowship with Father. He will teach you.
When you want assistance, Advancing God's Kingdom is here to help with a plethora of data and connections to help you understand what you now want. We have connections throughout the United Nations.
Welcome to Advancing God's Kingdom (
Dr. Darren D Hulbert, Executive Director
Each person "sees" reasons for surviving on Earth. You are here now, so you might as well consider your own reasons for staying alive.
It might be curiosity alone, because you may not have formed conclusions about the "ultimate reality." Some might see a hopeless future, because they perceive no purpose in this world.
The oldest historical contract is God's counsel in Genesis 1 - 3. It explains answers to all the major questions human ask. I've highlighted the content in 10 Words, and there is so much more to learn about the details.
Each person can read God's contracts in the Holy Bible, and make her/his own conclusions.
Our team would love to hear your thoughts. Use a Contact form and let us know.
We all agree that humans are imperfect, with imperfect knowledge, and desperately corrupt behaviors. Each wants to survive and then expand control within her/his environments.
In addition, today it is good to see the process foretold to our species by Creator Himself. He had had direct communication with humans since the beginning. Each of us today participates in this temporary experience called life.
We acknowledge things intuitively (love and peace for example), as if moral laws are written inside our mental programming. This is what Creator installed when He created us in His image. We are like God in that our soul (our central control center) will never cease to exist, learn, and draw conclusions. Each of us will exist forever, because Father created us that way.
Learn about Creator and He will explain how this cosmos has operated in the past, how it operates now, and how it will operate in future sequences. The plan is evident in Creator's contracts.
Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 is the seven days of forming and filling the initial mass of water.
This contract was initially written by Adam from His fellowship with Father.
Genesis 2:4 - 4:26 is the second contract that describes how the cosmos was corrupted, and how Father acted to preserve the cosmos to endure amidst the corruption. Despite entropy, evangelism continues.
These two contracts are the only remaining written documents that survived the cataclysm known as the Flood. Consider the implications of this historical theory. I only call it "theory" because in all of human existence after the corruption, man is imperfect, and thus has imperfect knowledge, and really cannot prove anything perfectly. So, it is "theory" or "science fiction." We just don't know anything perfectly.
Human "history" that I learned at UCLA begins with the examination of the first civilizations. The first civilization cited in historical records is Sumer. Sumer was located in the region south of Mount Ararat in the Fertile Crescent.
Dates for Sumer are around 3000 BCE. This is the time that Noah lands on Mount Ararat. Imagine that. That is too close to call it coincidental.
Within 400 years, we see the dawning of three centers of civilization: Mesopotamia in the Fertile Crescent, Egypt along the southern coast of the Meditteranean sea, and Indus Valley near present day Pakistan and India.
Around 2600 BCE, we also find civilizations developing on each continent of the new world. Why? The Tower of Babel fiasco occurs around 2600 BCE.
This is not coincidence. It is history. It is how Creator caused the people to spread out over the whole earth, to be fruitful and multiply.
Noah and his clan landed the Ark on a new geologic feature, that previously did not exist. The Earth prior to the Flood was one landmass called Pangea. But Pangea was broken up and reformatted into the present seven continents during the year that Noah's boat floated on the waters. All but Antartica were inhabited by 2600 BCE.
How do you explain that? The Bible explains it.
Moreover, Jesus and John foretold an Apocalypse. Humans would participate in a global system, whereby if people did not follow the leadership systems, they will not be able to buy or sell. In 1945, the United Nations launched this global system. Soon, 5G technology will move the world into a global surveillance system.
How do you explain that?
Creator has explained all of it in His contracts within the book called the Holy Bible.
Many Bible learners exist all over the Earth today. You can read the Bible on your own, and you can find others who also learned its message. See Resources page for further information.
Meanwhile, Advancing God's Kingdom exists as an Internet platform for aiding you in making connections. First connect the dots of purpose. And then you can connect with sources of production so that you can be fruitful and multiply.
Another resource for figuring out how to survive in this world and learn to make a living is Kingdom Investor Group (
Learn from the professionals about building and expanding your income generation so that you have plenty to share with those in need.
From John Maxwell, Patrick Bet-David, and Shana Sumpter, you can hire a coach to help you with the challenges you face.
Equipping Enterpreneurs.
Please reach out at your convenience so we can discuss your project.
Advancing God's Kingdom is a public education corporation
focused on equipping humans to function profitably on Earth.
The corporation was founded in 2001 by Darren Hulbert
as a "not-for-founder's-profit" 501(c)3 to participate in Jesus' Great Commission.
In August 2018, bigger developments occurred.
The objectives expanded to reach the United Nations.
Mission 2019 developed in January 2019.
Enjoy the content and all the connections you will make.
Take a moment to drop us a note.
Financial support: Our primary sponsor is Kingdom Investor Group.
If you would like to contribute and sponsor an Abundance Complex,
leave a message on a Connection Card.
You can develop a customized plan that will enable you to better understand your life, your gifts, and how to make consistently greater impact in your cultures.
So, why live? What is it about the human condition that empowers us to get up to face a new day? This is the routine (night and day) of our existence. And as you better understand
You can develop a customized plan that will enable you to better understand your life, your gifts, and how to make consistently greater impact in your cultures.
So, why live? What is it about the human condition that empowers us to get up to face a new day? This is the routine (night and day) of our existence. And as you better understand yourself, your culture, and your present situations, knowledge will guide you to progress more confidently.
Let's figure out how you can empower your soul toward consistent improvement.
See Blog/Rough Drafts for details and overviews. Processes will be up soon too, so bookmark this site.
Together, we are advancing God's Kingdom. Let's do it better, faster.
Learning is the central skill of innovation. Explanations impact individuals so they can innovate their cultures, starting with themselves. This will improve communities all over the Earth. These are the underlying themes of civilizations throughout history. This is how Creator advances His Kingdom. Building stronger souls who build bette
Learning is the central skill of innovation. Explanations impact individuals so they can innovate their cultures, starting with themselves. This will improve communities all over the Earth. These are the underlying themes of civilizations throughout history. This is how Creator advances His Kingdom. Building stronger souls who build better cultures where freedom empowers innovation.
BLOGS/ROUGH DRAFTS: As an example, Dr. Hulbert writes to coach himself (and those who read) to better understand experiences, and how to improve (i.e. Repentance). His personal reflections on his own challenges are full of numerous thought processes that he attempts to capture in prose.
It's not like reading a newspaper - its more poetic than that (at least it is for him). So bear with the "unedited journaling" and you will gain distinctions and nuances of insight that help your excel still more.
The blogs excite imagination about how you can advance your progress. Our hope is that you will want to see the full processes, and we can refer you specialists in whatever field piques your interest. As you learn more, you will inspire your creativity to innovate your cultures. This is how we advance God's Kingdom - one soul at a time.
Let's empower souls all over the world,
from populations in
The Indus Valley to Siberia,
from Cape Town to Greenland,
from Argentina to Anchorage,
all along the Ring of Fire,
from Australia around the world to Alaska,
for the indigenous to the indigent.
God loves every one of His hand-made kids!
Creator doesn't ask permission to fulfill His mission. But He invites every organization to receive power to play their roles to the highest and best giftedness of each participant.
Build stonger souls to empower better organizations on all the continents ... Now!
In most nations, souls generate income streams to "pay for" expenses ... and like you, each wants more production so that we have enough to share with those in need.
Kingdom Investor Group will teach you "how to fish" in your culture, so that you can be an example that others now want to follow.
Millions of career opportunities await disco
In most nations, souls generate income streams to "pay for" expenses ... and like you, each wants more production so that we have enough to share with those in need.
Kingdom Investor Group will teach you "how to fish" in your culture, so that you can be an example that others now want to follow.
Millions of career opportunities await discovery through the Kingdom Investor Group. Learn a craft that can develop into a career.
Professionally, Dr. Hulbert works as a Retirement Benefits Counselor with the Lotter Group in Newport Beach, CA. He alongside his wife Joyce, who is a rockstar in this business, primarily work with public school employees throughout California. Our team has Registered Investment Advisors who can educate anyone anywhere on the planet.
We are passionate about helping people build income-generating vehicles. We show what is available to you, and you choose what you believe best suits your objectives.
We teach people how to save money so that they have abundance. Saving money into vehicles that are secure is wise, and enables people to live off wise investments and thrive for the rest of their lives.
Our team will help you discover and exercise your "best giftedness" so you can make a living, start saving, and be serving. This is how to handle your "talents" efficiently as good stewards of Creator's resources.
Click on the website below to learn about securing your FREE consultation. Having enough to live and share abundantly empowers us to serve others in Advancing God's Kingdom.
Dr. Hulbert can arrange the details to offer the additional benefit of a worship service during weekend business conferences or business seminars.
Click the Contact Form and request service for your next weekend event.
You are invited to participate in this online community. Our unique approach is connecting with a soul at the common ground of “existing on earth” and "being human."
Let's start on the common ground of sharing a common lineage that stepped off the Ark in Ararat (wherever you think that is).
You exist and live. Read Creator’s words that explain what “being alive” means. You can read it on your own. The author's words instruct. (Gen. 1-3 is on home page. Stop and read it now if you can).
Others will want to help "clarify" an overview, and then go into many details; but those are "other humans" who have their own cultured perspectives. You are free to learn on your own, relying on the author's words.
You will learn the outline for the whole purpose of your life in God’s creation. In other words, you'll find help to understand the puzzle of your life. You'll look at the big picture. It helps you fit the existing pieces of your life together so that it makes complete sense to you.
Presently, you have needs that must be satisfied or you will die. Let’s address and meet those needs: water, food, shelter, safety, and connections. Meanwhile, you can learn how the One who made you wants you to participate in His Kingdom forever and ever.
And as you understand more, you can connect with people in your community who want to help you learn to live in God’s fellowship and on God’s earth. You will be so overjoyed that you will want to help others enjoy Creator God too.
Each soul longs for the things that only God provides: a perfect companion who will never fail you, who will protect and nurture you, and who will empower you to help others.
We will help you figure out your skills too; and find a place to showcase your talents. We will help you impact your family and the people around you – your culture!
As you learn to function more efficiently, you will also be learning about your bigger culture, like your region, your state, your nation. And you can happily submit to whatever is demanded of you. And then, if it is really bad, and you have opportunity to change your culture, go for it – but with gentleness and reverence.
You exist where you were born, and where your “family” brought you. God will teach you how to survive and eventually thrive as you lead those around you to connect with Creator and get to work in His Kingdom.
Welcome to “humanity” in Creator’s Kingdom. Make the most of every minute. So much to learn. Let’s get to work.
Leaders bear the weight of caring for others. Join them by laboring in prayer for them, like the two dudes held up Moses' hands.
One way Prayer "happens" is when you connect with Creator on behalf of care-givers, asking for wisdom to empathize (to "feel their stress")! Patiently learn about the pressures, threats, opportunities and expectations that they are bearing as they stand of the pedestal of leadership.
Ask God to grow your understanding of what others feel. Then ask for comfort and wisdom: for them and for you as together we move forward as cultures in a multicultural-maze of the United Nations. Life is full of challenges.
Overcoming challenges is a definition of "success"! Ask God to enable minds (both yours and the leaders') - minds focused on excellence, hearts strengthened in love, and bodies energized for innovations. Building better cultures today.
It is so good to be alive!!!! This our time! Let's take it together! Advancing God's Kingdom!
Check the United Nations websites to learn about nations and cultures (both your's and others') - all of whom are eager to build stronger peace-loving cooperation.
But how? This is the heart of the United Nations! Desperately-needy souls cover the globe. Today, take a small sequence of actions to support yourself to find another culture to support. Think, empathize, pray and fellowship in their traumas; and then act! I have to tell you the live-action story in The Gambia as part of Mission 2019.
Take action in whatever way "makes sense" to you. Just a little to start. You can always add more later! Do leave us a note so we can pray with you, as you positively impact hope into cultures.
Build confidence by overcoming challenges. Start with a little now. Learn the name and location of "new nation" for you. See the Nation Location game on "Nations" link above.
Use Google Earth to see your world. Learn the names and personalities of the nations' leadership teams. Feed your cultures by introducing a nation or two (or take on a continent) to concentrate on! Make it a family project to learn about your world. Enjoy!
And as you learn more, feed your curiosities. Figure out what interests you most, and take appropriate action that empowers the leaders' successful service to their citizens and guests. This simple outline (sequence) is one expression of your participation in building better nations faster. Recognize what He is doing and join His effort! This is advancing God's Kingdom!
As you innovate improvements in your communities/cultures, you are advancing God's Kingdom. Please share your vision with the world. We have a platform here called "My Best Ideas." Ideas are like cells in the human body that can replicate to keep the body growing. You are invited to Participate Now ==> click the button and share your insights for helping others live a more abundant life!.
Throughout this website, anyone can access valuable educational processes that will feed your soul so that you have an abundance to share with others. There is water for all who are thirsty; and meatier materials for those with bigger appetites!
As you connect with Creator, you feel His heart: "For God so loved the kosmos" (GkJ316). He loves His creation, and went to great expense to provide perfection for all who will receive it. This is the Gospel of God's Kingdom.
And for all polluted-by-imperfection "preachers" like me, we're just beggars who found a stash of steaks; and there is so much here that we are willing to invite whoever will come! Jesus tells the story of wedding feast that has a similar ring to it. You are invited. Why would you say "No Thanks" to perfection?
For us who say, "I'm all in!" ... this online community is about finding improvements to maximize our production for advancing God's Kingdom all over this planet!
Work with Creator
· to increase your appreciation of the satisfactions of peace and joy;
· to enhance your vision to see more clearly that your existence is perfectly corrected by Creator's actions;
· to understand "why and how" questions better;
· to participate in advancing God's Kingdom with 100% joy;
· to experience "living" that you never want to end. This is a foretaste of what eternal life means!
You were created to never cease, so start enjoying as much as you can as soon as you can.
Learn what this means:
CULTURES: Literally there are billions of organizations/cultures operating simultaneously within the 193 established nations on Earth. Each soul has a personal culture, a family culture, a work culture, and other cultures for meals and entertainments.
Each "culture" operates essentially the same way. They are man-made hierarchical organizations of imperfect people - thus corrupted. Corruption demands two things: forgiveness and correction; and forgiveness and learning, and again, and again. Cultures provide both. Test and approve the better practices by measuring with the narcissism sniff test. More on that in the blogs.
Dr. Hulbert welcomes requests to participate in live corporate events as a guest teacher, preacher, communicator. Please contact the event coordinator for scheduling:
When you have any questions, concerns, or worries, our team of highly qualified counselors, including Dr. Hulbert, conduct FREE consultations. Contact us with Contact Card above, or on Twitter @DrDHulbert.
Depending on your needs, we can assist you in finding options for improving your performance. From personal relationships to income-generation strategies, we want to motivate your innovations that affect greater levels of peace, confidence, and production.
Complete the Contact form, and let your requests flow. We have connections all over the globe "who can give you a leg up!" Every soul has a role.
On this site, our board will recommend organizations that we have vetted including those who are immensely popular already. So much good work going on, and it will become more to meet the overwhelming need. We will highlight these organizations in the blogs and on the home page. We want to facilitate avenues for you to give because you want to give.
But do this in the right order. Be balanced, as we see in nature: ordered creation. Give after you believe that you have enough to share. And "sharing" builds your confidence that you are an active part of advancing God's Kingdom. Simple. created a wonderful donation site called Simple Amazon. Scan the list of organizations and donate to what you believe in.
Advancing God's Kingdom is a 501c3 that receives and spreads seeds of hope.
Knowledge is a unit of measurement. Proper alignment between knowledge and action affects success - and true advancement builds true confidence. Grow here in our interactive online community, as we aspires to become a recommended resource for thorough education through the United Nations. We work with everyone, including you.
Advancing God's Kingdom through you and whoever else wants to participate.