The term "vision" used literally is one's attempt to describe what is seen.
We "see" in our imagination/interpretation of the science and fiction
in our experiences in life.
We consider a "better way forward" -
which means we imagine what could happen. That is fiction.
It hasn't happened yet. It's a few sequences into the future.
FOCUS for AGK now:
Mission 2019 seeks to connect bottom 20% of resource-accessible souls
with those in the top 20% of resource-using souls.
It's a rescue operation.
Let's rescue others by giving
to those who need and appreciate our gifts of service.
Our primary effort is to support those who have the least amount of help, namely orphans.
Why? Because it is "pure and undefiled" faith
- to give to those who may die without us.
Supporting orphans is part of a bigger vision.
Advancing God's Kingdom is the central call to action
the Lord commanded in His authorized book.
Jesus' commission can be contextualized to intend this:
"Go therefore and equip entrepreneurs in all the nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;
and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
All His commands?
Summarized as "Love God and love your neighbors" (Mark 12:30-31).
This is how you and I participate in Advancing God's Kingdom.
You will be happier
knowing you took action to help helpless children
all over the globe.
Additionally, this online community will also affect three other processes
for God's Kingdom:
As you live your life and connect with Creator and other people,
be active in learning about them.
Open your life to share with them, and
patiently learn best practices explained in the Holy Bible.
Your exercise of self-control allows you direct your own paths.
When a person connects with Creator, she/he will want to follow Him forever.
Advancing God's Kingdom, a 501c3 founded in 2001, exists to connect people to Creator, who empowers them to learn, live, and teach the "good news" of His Kingdom. Your participation and contributions advance our Vision and Missions.
We are looking for content that adds value, provides encouraging "food" to hungry souls. Submit your best on the Contact Form.
I'm sure "your best now" will become so valuable for so many souls.