The following course explains how human beings today educate themselves about systems around them. Where do we learn this? From the oldest human contract on the planet. That is where Education begins: Learning about systems in this cosmos is how you and I participate in Advancing God's Kingdom.
Education itself is about rationally identifying sequences within a system. You can see an order of operations in a system, like an equation of expectation. You can expect repeated sequences in a system. There are systems on this planet and in this cosmos that you can observe and participate in.
Educating yourself about these systems is part of the Equation of Expectation: "be fruitful and multiply." This expectation is laid out in the first human contract law.
As you learn to participate in the systems around you, you become an active agent in that system. This is part of our "human being" - also known as a human's participation in the image of God. He made us to be like Him in that we can control our thoughtbergs and align them toward the objectives we choose to follow. This is the freedom factor that is always true, regardless of who controls your environments. Each human can "think and adjust" to create a different reaction sequence.
Defining a System: A system is a set of sequenced actions that repeat consistently.
There are systems on this planet, in our Solar System, and in the larger domain of space within this cosmos. We learn about this structured system in the first human contract.
The first three earliest human contracts are systems of education that each human should access now. See the link above Genesis 1 - 3.
Read the first contract, and identify the features and benefits of the systems that you observe. Your abilities to think, reason, reflect, restructure, and respond are functions of the package that came pre-installed in human beings. More on that later.
Make a list of what you see in the system. Experiment with the observations you make to deepen your learning.
Educating yourself about these systems is part of the Equation of Expectation: "be fruitful and multiply." This expectation is laid out in the first human contract law.
"It's about WHO knows you" they say.
While you are getting to know Creator and His cosmos better, here are some groups who know me. They have abundant resources to add to your reservoir of resources.
You can attend any Worship Service you choose. And you will find a Church whose Christians love you mercifully as together you Worship Creator.
Each person is unique and will worship Creator as they understand Him. There is only one Creator who created this cosmos in which we live, move and have our being.
International Mission Board has been the strong arm of service supported by Southern Baptist Churches and others participating in the Cooperative Program, since 1845.
North American Mission Board serves many language groups in major and minor cities, from San Francisco to New York City.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll oversees Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas. He also produces many invaluable resources on Insight For Living. He is chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary, which offers an incredible process called LEAD at the Hendricks Center. His work and his personal connections have been monumental in my life.
Pastor John MacArthur and his teams expound details about Creator's communication. The Master's University and Seminary has produced so many great leaders!
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). Franklin Graham, Billy's son, has shone his own brilliance with Samaritan's Purse, and continues preaching all over the world. Franklin's son Will is following and expanding the path forged by his granddad and dad. These men have moved mountains to seek and save the lost. Personally, I ventured into their disciplemaking processes, and it is increasingly efficient.
Access the most popular and most helpful resources of the John Maxwell Team. John's crystallization of dynamic processes into simple, child-like explanations is, to me, phenomenal. The John Maxwell Team, under the leadership of Paul Martinelli, is the biggest and best leadership development organization on the planet right now. Whatever your leadership development "needs" and/or "wants" may be, whether in a religious culture or a business culture, we can help you choose what best suits your situation, and improves your production significantly.
This platform is intended to reach all the nations of the United Nations - in fact every soul on every soil of Earth.
While all of the above Resources find their source from Genesis 1 - 3, we all know that there are many "belief systems." In fact, each soul has its own belief system. It's called your worldview. And it is controlled only by you, and whoever you have to work with to stay alive.
We understand, because we are all just like each other in that way. We find ourselves in a world that we do not understand perfectly. And we all make choices that seem like the most fulfilling. It's all okay now. Creator knows us ... everything about us ... and He says, "Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden; and I will give you rest."
This is a cooperative effort open to all organizations, (whether "for profit" or "non-profit) and individuals within all the nations. This site is free. We aim to free those captive to the lies of Lucifer into the truth of Creator. Our first mission will always be to serve the most needy. Mission 2019 is the expression of that. Help us connect needs to resources.
If you have needs, leads, or seeds, please use the Contact Form to let us know how we can help you bring your ideas to life, effect an innovation, and create an advanced perspective.
Followers of Creator must generate income to survive, make a living, and thrive.
Organizations are listed on
Click the link to see if any of these are useful for you.
March 2020 - While researching, I found this site today. It's some "college-level" science from an esteemed expert in the field, full bird Colonel Brown.
March 2020 - I have watched Dr. Peterson's presentations, and find him extraordinary. Though we have some presuppositional differences, his mastery of his field is remarkable..
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